Author Topic: Dealer's Room  (Read 463 times)


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Dealer's Room
« on: April 18, 2012, 10:33:50 pm »
This dealers room was big...but big doesn't mean good. Now, if you were there soley for comics, it was a fantastic, overwhelming experience with lots of cool stuff. However, if you were there for the anime as I was, there was a much smaller room for our dealers, and less than an eighth of the dealers. I found this very upsetting, because I had such high hopes for the dealers, which were easily dashed.

Now, I have nothing against comics, in fact, I enjoyed the dealers room greatly. It was fun, and I found lot's of things to buy. Generally, the dealers were friendly, and there were high spirits all around. It was overcrowded, and many of the people around me had no manners, bbut my biggest complaint was the trafffic jam a cosplayer caused because people kept stopping to take pictures of him. While I appreciate his hard work, he chose a terrible spot... needless to say this cosplayer was one of our writers, Cody.

The biggest fun, for us at least, was the screaming booth, and the dancing game. Though difficult to navigate and very skimpy on the anime, I did enjoy the dealers room and can't wait for next year.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2012, 02:35:49 pm by administrator »

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